SAVIXIT S.A.C. Odoo Version 13.0

Information about the SAVIXIT S.A.C. instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.

Installed Applications

Enterprise website builder
Manage your stock and logistics activities
Invoices & Payments
Point of Sale
User-friendly PoS interface for shops and restaurants
Centralize employee information
Centralize your address book
Skills Management
Manage skills, knowledge and resumé of your employees
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
Notes in POS receipt
Add notes in POS receipt
POS Product Combo
Product can be sold as a Combo in POS. Combo Product product point of sale sales Bundle Sales sale Combo product POS combo product pos combo product pos product combo pos multi product multi product pos combo product component discount on combo product pos combo product discount website seller product seller product best product ecommerce product ecommerce best seller ecommerce best seller product top selling product top product top selling ecommerce product top selling website product point of sale top selling product point of sale top selling item point of sale top product point of sale top product selling point of sale top selling item pos top selling product post top selling item pos top product pos pos excel report pos excel export POS coupon POS promotion POS reward point of sale coupon point of sale promotion point of sale reward pos invoice sale coupon promotion coupon sale product product promotion discount sales discount product discount discount sales order discount manufacturing retailer retail store promo code promotion code coupon code customer customer discount Reward shipping free shipping fix price discount percentage discount promotion validity minimum purchase purchase shoppers Free product Free item free coupon code validity POS promotion POS POS coupon POS promotion POS discount promotion special offer festival christmas redemption claim expire redeem sale promotion pos receipt POS POS coupon POS promotion sale coupon promotion coupon sale product product promotion sales discount product discount sales order discount manufacturing retailer retail store promo code promotion code coupon code customer customer discount Reward shipping free shipping fix price discount percentage discount promotion validity minimum purchase purchase shoppers Free product Free item free coupon code validity POS Promotional programm All in one all in one coupon all in one promo code special offer festival christmas redemption claim expire redeem sale promotion company logo POS receipt POS session POS logo on session POS logo on receipt POS receipt company logo POS receipt company address POS session company logo POS session company address Point of sale company logo point of sale receipt company logo point of sale receipt logo point of sale receipt address point of sale session logo

Installed Localizations / Account Charts

LATAM Localization Base
LATAM Identification Types
Peru - Accounting
PCGE Simplified